SQC can also run in batch mode to check multiple XML schemas in a single run. SQC还可以以批处理方式运行,通过一次运行检查多个XML模式。
Since my process is a weekly batch process run on the weekends, I get acceptable performance with all of my Containers in the same dbspace. 由于我的进程是在每个周末运行一次的批处理进程,因此虽然所有Container都在同一个dbspace中,我依然能够得到可以接受的性能。
Using the-c argument with both interactive and batch modes is valuable for using the CLI interface to drive frequently run tasks, or to perform tasks that require constant user intervention. 对交互式或batch模式使用-c参数,有利于使用CLI接口驱动频繁运行的任务,或是执行需要固定用户交互的任务。
The language includes the notion of batch program, which can be generated to run without end user interaction, for example, to produce reports or to batch database or files loads and updates. 该语言包含了批处理程序的概念,举例来说,可以在没有终端用户交互的情况下生成并运行批处理程序,从而生成报告,或者批处理数据库或文件的加载和更新。
Once this setup is done, the batch file or shell script is run to start the collection. 完成了此设置后,就可以运行批处理文件或外壳脚本来开始收集工作了。
Under that directory there is a batch file, runAnt, that enables you to run your Ant build files. 该目录下提供了一个批处理文件runAnt,可允许运行您的Ant构建文件。
What's more, build frameworks like Ant and Maven have added reporting features that summarize a JUnit batch run. 更妙的是,Ant和Maven这样的build框架已经加入了报告特性,可以归纳Junit批处理任务运行的结果。
Please do not set the timeout value for all users, as this will cause problems, especially when running jobs in batch and the batch takes longer to run than normal. 请不要设置所有用户的超时值,因为这会造成问题,尤其是在运行花费时间比较长的作业集合时。
This example demonstrates another aspect of SIMH, where your image requires no operating system and is interactive ( differing from the earlier batch run on the IBM1130 system). 此示例演示了SIMH的另一个方面,其中您的图像无需操作系统并是互动的(不同于运行在IBM1130系统上的早期批处理)。
A batch processor is available to schedule tasks to run server-side either on an ongoing basis, a scheduled time interval, or at a certain time. 还可以使用一个批处理程序基于实时基础、一个预定的时间间隔或在某个时点在服务器端运行计划任务。
A customer experiences performance issue while refreshing an MQT as part of a batch run. 在批处理运行过程中,当刷新一个MQT时,客户会遇到性能问题。
Another example of legacy system limitations is the case of scheduled batch processes, which only run at fixed times. 遗留系统限制的另一个例子是仅在固定时间运行的计划批处理。
If you saw that the overall business process suspends until a key batch application executes and produces needed data, for example, you could redesign the batch application to run more frequently. 例如,如果发现在关键批处理应用程序执行并产生所需的数据前,总体业务流程都处于挂起状态,则可以重新设计该批处理应用程序,以更频繁地运行。
Your goal is to create a batch file that will allow you to run the tasks for both product installation and update in a single step. 您的目标是创建一个可以使您通过单个的步骤就能运行产品安装和更新任务的批处理文件。
You can write batch files that run the utilities. 可以编写运行实用工具的批处理文件。
Batch file used to run sample on Windows 在Windows上运行示例的批处理文件
For example, a traditional single-threaded batch application may be scheduled to run on a single server during a window of low utilization. 例如,在系统利用率很低时,传统的单线程批处理应用程序可能会被调度到单个服务器上运行。
Batch run to be generated once each working day. 每个工作日生成成批运行一次。
Under perform this task, select the frequency with which you want the batch file to run, and then click next. 在“执行这个任务”下,选择该批处理文件的运行频率,然后单击“下一步”。
In batch processing the jobs are run to completion in consequence. Comparison and sorting is performed based on binary sort orders. 在成批处理中作业按顺序完成。比较和排序都按照二进制的顺序进行处理。
If the outputs from a batch are not up-to-date, the target is run. 如果某个批的输出不是最新的,将运行目标。
They open and close an event batch, and must run in the same transaction. 这些语句将打开和关闭一个事件批次,必须在同一个事务中运行。
Syer was also careful to note that Spring Batch is run in the same manner and held to the same standard as every project in the Spring Portfolio. Syer也细心地指出SpringBatch与SpringPortfolio里的每个项目一样,都是以同样的方式运行并且支持同样的标准。
Utilizing the repetitive nature of batch processes, the final quality deviations in each batch are implemented to adjust the control profile of the next batch run. 利用间歇过程的重复特性,根据前一批次的终点质量偏差调整下一批次控制变量的轨迹,从而使质量指标逐步接近于理想指标。
Besides, as these batch processes always run under transitional condition without stability, their control and optimization are quite complex, as a result, simple intelligent control algorithm can not do well either. 同时,又由于间歇过程的运行一般是在没有稳态工作点的过渡状态下进行,其控制和优化问题十分复杂,采用简单的智能控制策略效果欠佳。
Multi-phase information detecting and time-sharing methods based on image processing are presented and researched. The system can control up to 6 batch jobs and terminal jobs to run concurrently. 论文针对这一问题,设计了一种基于图像的多相位交通信息并行采集、分时处理的检测系统;系统具有批量处理和分时处理的能力,能控制6道批量和终端作业同时运行。
The system can control up to 6 batch jobs and terminal jobs to run concurrently. 系统具有批量处理和分时处理的能力,能控制6道批量和终端作业同时运行。
Skillfully the Batch Run Order with DOS, Realizes the Teacher with Ease to Correct Students 'Papers 巧用DOS批处理命令,实现教师轻松批改作业
Also it will describe how to use IBM Software Testing Automation Framework ( STAF) to batch run automated test cases which composed with Java code. 同时将论述如何使用IBM公司SoftwareTestingAutomationFramework(STAF)来批量运行由Java代码组成的自动化测试用例。